Please be vigilant, there are scammers operating on the internet and it is advised that you contact Perfect Household Staff directly if you have any questions. The telephone numbers which we use are available at the top of every page on our website (on the right hand side).
Privacy Policy
We are registered with the Information Commissioner and our Data Protection number is Z2164248 comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. The 1998 Act sets out principles relating to the use of any data you provide to us. We will process this data with due care and attention to ensure that your rights are protected under the law.
What sort of personal data do we collect?
Perfect Household Staff LTD collects personal data about you to help in the recruitment process. Ordinary personal data consists of information such as name, address, email address, telephone numbers, work and education history, and other personal information that you submit as part of your CV or include when completing any on-line registration forms. We are required by law to record your nationality.
You agree that we may collect, use, store, maintain, transfer and delete your personal data.
We collect and process sensitive personal data only so far as is necessary to ensure that we conform with legal requirements, for example under the equality of opportunity laws. By using this website and by registering your details with us, you consent to us collecting and processing sensitive personal data supplied by you and disclosing this information to prospective employers and clients in connection with the recruitment process.
Do we pass personal data to third parties?
Yes. Where necessary we may pass data to third parties that help us to process data and to prospective or intended employers or customers for the purpose of recruitment. We may also share aggregate detail (collated research material with all personal identifications removed) with third parties. We do not disclose individual names or any identifying information without your express consent unless the law, statutes or court orders require release of such information.
How is personal data safeguarded?
When you provide personal data to this website, such data is secured on servers located in the UK that are protected by this privacy policy. Perfect Household Staff LTD takes reasonable steps to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, or other unauthorised uses, and to remove your personal data when it is no longer required for its intended purposes. Perfect Household Staff LTD cannot, however, guarantee that loss, misuse or unauthorised use will never occur (e.g., that someone will not overcome our security measures), and makes no representations or warranties to this effect.
Only recruiting staff of Perfect Household Staff LTD may directly access your personal data provided through registration.
Will your personal data be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA)?
Your personal data may be transferred to countries outside the EEA that may not have equivalent laws and rules to protect personal data. By agreeing to this privacy policy you are consenting to the transfer of your personal data to the Perfect Household Staff LTD and its clients, some of whom may be overseas, in order for us to deliver our recruitment service to you.
Do we use "cookie" technology?
Cookies are packets of information that are stored on your computer's hard drive. Cookies allow us to keep track of the areas of the site you visit and thereby offer you easy access to the information you find most relevant. No secure information or information about your personal identity is ever contained within our cookies. Your web browser is most likely set to automatically accept cookies, but you can consult your browser help file if you wish to change these settings.
How do you remove your name and details from the database?
If you would like Perfect Household Staff LTD to delete your name and registration profile from the database, please send an e-mail message to the site administrator, put "Remove User" in the subject line of that e-mail, and include your full name, User ID and contact telephone number in the body of the message.
How do we let you know if our policy changes?
Any policy changes, either due to business reasons or future changes in legislation, will be posted on this page and, if substantial may be promoted on the website.
This privacy policy was last updated on 10 October 2011.
Data – Information stored in a form capable of being processed by computer or other automatic equipment; recorded in any form for later processing by computer or other automatic equipment; stored as part of a relevant filing system or intended to be included in one in the future.
Personal Data - Personal data are data that relate to a living individual who can be identified from that information, or from that data and other information in the possession of Perfect Household Staff LTD or which is likely to come into the possession of Perfect Household Staff LTD.
Recruitment Process – The process of gaining employment with clients of the Perfect Household Staff LTD and the ongoing administrative process involved once you have gained employment.
Sensitive Personal Data - The 1998 Act distinguishes between ordinary personal data (such as name, address, email address, telephone numbers etc) and sensitive personal data (racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, and criminal convictions).