If you are trying to find a live in nanny, you have arrived at one of Londons' top nanny agencies and you can rely on us to find a live in nanny who will exceed all expectations on your behalf.
Hiring a Live-In Nanny
A common misconception is that a live-in nanny will take care of your children throughout the day as well as the night because they live in with the family. Avoid this by agreeing these terms well in advance. A live-in nanny represents one of the more comprehensive nanny roles we recruit for.
Having a “live-in nanny” join your household ensures that you and your family have flexibility, especially if both parents are working. To find a live in nanny who can take on a fully supportive childcare role such as being sole charge, taking full control of the children, is especially challenging as the person will be almost considered as family due to them spending so much time with you and the children.
Alternatively, if one parent is not working, the nanny can support the non-working parent on a daily basis. This is an effective way for parents to commit to work, as it allows the non-working parent flexibility to take time out with friends during the day as well as being involved in other leisure activities.
A 'perfect nanny' from the Top London Nanny Agency
Perfect Household Staff are one of London's top Nanny Agencies, specialising in finding Live-in Nannies and as such we aim to exceed our client's expectations by providing only the most qualified, professional live-in nannies. It's likely a nanny is going to be with your family for some time, so ensuring that there's an excellent fit between the chosen candidate and your family is paramount. We treat the process rather like an executive appointment at a company - there's no room for error.
To hire or find a live in nanny that matches these criteria takes time and a lot of effort. Naturally, the professional recruitment service Perfect Household Staff performs takes care of this for you, shielding you from the untold numbers of application you would otherwise get if you recruited the nanny yourself.
The nanny is going to be responsible for your child's care and well being on a daily basis, so there are no compromises to be made.
If you'd like to know more about our Live-In Nannies and explore some of the typical questions that arise in connection with hiring of a live-in nanny - read on or give our friendly childcare consultants a call.
Please talk to Perfect Household Staff today and discuss how our 'perfect live in nannies' can become an essential part of your child's development and family household as a whole. Call +44 (0)20 3318 4468.
How Much Does a Live-In Nanny Cost?
A live in nanny will cost a little more than a live out nanny, but they offer excellent value for money because they often work 10-12 hours a day. Extra cost is also naturally associated with accommodation and food allowances. A nanny’s salary is negotiated on a case by case basis, depending on experience, the range of duties expected to be carried out and any special requirements parents may have.
With a nanny living with a family it can be easy for parents to forget that a nanny has their own private life too. There must be some clear distinction between what time is their’s and that which is yours. Remember too, that a nanny is an employee and so it's essential to make sure they are paid on a regular cycle. As an integral part of the family, lines between being an employee and a family member can become blurred if the parents are not careful; it's a line that should not be crossed.
When choosing to hire a live in nanny through our agency services, we leave no stone unturned and go to great lengths in order to ensure that the live in nannies' working experience and personality match your requirements.
We advise to call our specialist Childcare recruitment team for an obligation free quote to discuss your requirements for more information.
*Filling out a requirements form will take a couple of minutes*
Childcare Requirements Form to hire a Live In Nanny
Can my Live In nanny also be a babysitter for me?
Clearly, the benefit of a nanny that does babysit means that, whenever you wish to go out to a work event, a social function or on a date, your children will have a carer that they know and you can trust.
It’s quite usual for nanny contracts to include a certain number of hours a week where baby sitting duties are required; for instance two evenings a week. The need for a baby sitter can often be un-planned, as ad-hoc events that the parents need to attend crop-up from time to time, along with those that may be planned in advance. The best advice is to remember that the nanny has a life too and for flexibility to prevail.
What are a Live In nanny’s typical duties
A nanny’s duties focus on four main areas associated with a child’s care: Day care, Nutrition, Education and Fun. In addition the nanny may have household duties to perform too, but that isn't part of a typical nanny's role.
Day care
Reducing the burden of child care on busy parents starts as soon as a child wakes. A nanny needs to ensure the child is washed and dressed and ready for their day. Breakfast, lunch and supper all need to be considered.
Maintaining a clean and safe environment for a child is paramount. A child’s play area, which for older children might be the whole house and gardens, needs to be carefully looked after as there are many opportunities for a child to come into contact with contaminants that could cause harm. Note: this doesn't mean that the nanny is responsible for cleaning the house and maintaining the garden, though. For the very young, who always seem to explore the world through the sense of taste and touch, cleanliness is the order of the day; all the child’s toys much be kept scrupulously clean. Additionally, clothing and bedding need to be regularly washed and ironed and their wardrobe kept orderly.
Children of school age will need to be prepared for their day, and then taken to school and picked up after too.
Parents often like to be involved in this aspect of a child’s welfare, and so a nanny can either take direction from the parents, or if suitably qualified, provide advice and guidance. In either case, a nanny is responsible for ensuring the child is fed a balanced and a healthy meal several times a day. This may include preparing the meal and ensuring the ingredients are available when necessary. So, keeping the pantry and refrigerator stocked with child friendly food could be a key task.
There may be nutritional complications to consider, such as allergies. The nanny has to be ever vigilant in these circumstances, not just in food preparation, but generally around the house too.
Generally though, the nanny’s focus is on the child and not providing for the family as a whole.
A critical part of a child’s development comes through learning and stimulation. A nanny’s key role in this comes through play. By using their child development skills, the nanny will usually stimulate the child through a mixture of creative activities, such as role play, building, playing games, reading, even singing and dancing.
Educating a child requires the nanny be aware of the stages of a child’s educational development and their emerging talents and abilities, helping to develop those naturally and identifying particular weaknesses and helping improve upon those.
School age children require different needs, the nanny needs to support what a child has been learning. This could include extracurricular activities such as swimming classes or music lessons and taking the children there for you.
Of course, education should be fun to a child, but there’s fun outside of this a nanny needs to consider. This focuses on how the child interacts with their environment outside of the play room.
Letting the child explore the world beyond the home can be a great source of fun. Taking the child to the park to feed the ducks, going to the zoo or the amusement park or just playing games outside are all aspects of the role a nanny needs to plan. Always involving you, the parents, as often as is practical to do so.
Interacting with other children is a key social development skill the nanny is responsible for, as such, the nanny can be expected to arrange play dates and outings with other children's parents and nannies.
Don't Forget
There are a finite number of hours a nanny can work during the day, so the actual duties he or she performs must take this in to a consideration. For instance, if a nanny is also responsible for housekeeping duties, they will naturally spend less time with the children.
It comes down to striking a reasonable balance and expectation level, between maintaining a reasonable work load allowing the nanny a good quality of life. if this doesn't happen, the nanny won't be with you for long.
How should we care for the nanny?
A nanny that is living with the family needs their own private space. This means they will have their own living space and likely, dietary needs too. These need to be worked through between the family and the nanny.
Live in nanny accommodation
The nanny should be given their own bedroom, ideally with its own bathroom, although often the nanny will share the children's bathroom.
The bedroom should be well furnished, with facilities for clothes storage and storage for personal effects. It should have its own TV, DVD player and Internet connection. Some families may like to provide the nanny with a computer, as much child care research and education is done through the internet these days. Exploring the internet and using it as an available resource is a fundamental part of a child’s education these days, so either the nanny is provided with a computer or one is made available to them in the home in general, it’s an essential tool.
Live in nanny meal requirements
The household is responsible for providing meals for the nanny. Naturally, each nanny is likely to have their own personal likes and dislikes, all should be taken into account and discussed prior to the appointment.
You should also take in to account any special dietary requirements. And don’t forget, just like anyone else, a nanny may like variety in their meals and something a little special from time to time.
Salaries and tax
The nanny is an employee and so you are required to pay a regular salary to them and pay tax and national insurance. For more information and the break down of the nanny salary, please click here.
Can live-in nannies take holidays?
Absolutely, just like any employee, the nanny is entitled to statutory holidays, currently a minimum of 4 weeks a year, not including bank holidays, which amount to an additional 8 days a year. These are paid holidays too.
How the nanny takes holidays is between you and them. Some employers require a nanny to take a two week break and then the remaining time as they see fit and which fits with the family's plans.
It may be that a family requires the nanny to accompany them on holiday too, but then that’s your holiday, not the nanny’s and so you must cover all expenses. It’s usually best to have these discussions and come to an agreement prior to employment.
Hire a live in nanny, the benefits:
Nannies, especially live-in nannies, provide a huge benefit to a working family or to a family where the parents need a little more time at their disposal. From childminding duties, to companionship to just being a great help around the home, your children will love having a constant carer that they can form an ongoing relationship with and you will welcome the professional and trustworthy help around the home.
At Perfect Household Staff, we can help you to find a live-in nanny that suits your situation perfectly.
We can provide a full time live-in nanny or part-time nanny, one with special skills and even ones who can work for you abroad. We have a choice of nannies who speak a different language from Italian to German.
Childcare Requirements Form to hire a Live In Nanny
For an obligation-free quote or to discuss your live in nanny requirements in more detail, please contact Perfect Household Staff by clicking here to email or phoning: +44(0)203 318 4468