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part time housekeeper jobs, part time housekeeping jobs, part time cleaning jobs, part time cleaner jobs. part time housekeeper job

Where to Find Part Time Cleaning Jobs?

Our domestic recruitment agency has been helping professional housekeepers find part time cleaning jobs for over 15 years. Contacting our housekeeping department is the first step to finding your next part time cleaning job.

Candidates who work with our agency regularly see new part time cleaning jobs posted on our domestic careers jobs board. We regularly have new part time housekeeper jobs which are not advertised due to the clients request however, they are sent via email to candidates who are already registered and have gone through the registration process.

Other than registering with Perfect Household Staff, we advise for job seekers to register with as many professional domestic recruitment agencies as possible and to stay up to date on various job boards such as: Indeed or LinkedIn and Gumtree as well as using your social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

To register with us and join our part time cleaner team, you must fill out our online candidate registration from and be interviewed prior to applying for the part time cleaning jobs, providing that you meet our minimal requirements

Are there Part Time Housekeeping Jobs near me?

London, Mayfair is home to our head office. The majority of our part time cleaning jobs are in the United Kingdom and of course London. Other than the UK vacancies, you will also notice that we specialise in helping professional domestic staff find housekeeping jobs internationally.

To read and apply for out live housekeeper jobs, please follow the link:

Please note that applicants for part time housekeeping jobs must have at least 3 years of domestic experience. Job seekers who are looking for cleaning jobs can apply with less than 3 years of experience in the domestic industry however, please only apply for positions which state that they are open to less experienced candidates.

How to Secure Part Time Housekeeping Jobs?

To secure part time cleaner jobs, it is vital that your CV is up to date and is specifically tailored to the position which you are applying for. We recommend to apply for several positions to increase your chances of employment.

It is incorrect to assume that recruiters will be able to fully tailor your CV to the part time housekeeper job on your behalf. We advise that you help our housekeeping departenment by tailoring as much of your resume as possible by yourself but please, feel free to seek advice.

Our vacant part time cleaner positions will display exactly what the employer is looking for and it is your responsibility to outline those skills in your resume. Please be aware that not all employers are looking for the same skills in candidates.

For example, a vacancy can request that a housekeeper has silver service experience. It is important that your CV highlights the fact that you have been practicing silver service in previous roles when applying for the vacancy.

Many families consider that cleaners with luxury hotel experience have excellent training and an eye for detail meaning that they are more likely to secure employment however, it is also important to highlight that you have previous experience in private families.

When working for private families, it is very important to acknowledge that the person who is about to hire you, must feel comfortable around you and can trust you enough to have you in their home unsupervised. Other than your CV, interviews are a key part of the part time cleaner selection process. Private families seek to hire positive, upbeat and charismatic people who understand and value privacy.

Please ask our friendly recruitment team about advice on how to make your CV stand out as well as successful interview techniques.

The benefits of Part Time Housekeeping

A part time housekeepers' hourly rate will be hire than that of a full time house keeper.

In a non-formal household, you will have a lot of flexibility with the working hours providing that you have built a great relationship with your employer.

You will miss the rush hours when travelling to and from work.

You will have lots of part time housekeeper jobs to choose from.

You can plan your working week in advance allowing you to have personal time for yourself. 

If you are personally interested in our vacancies or know someone who may be, please apply or share our temp cleaning jobs.

Part Time Housekeeper Jobs Maps:

Employing Domestic Staff 

To see a wider range of Household Staff such as butlers, chauffeurs, chefs, personal assistant, etc... please click on the link - Household Staff for Hire

To find Specialist Childcare Services, please click on the link - Specialist Childcare Services

Our Household Management services are found on this link - Private Household Management


To find out more about how we can help you to find the perfect household staff job, please contact Perfect Household Staff by clicking here to email or phoning: +44(0)203 318 4468. Alternatively please register with us by clicking  the button below.

Candidate Registration


Candidate Registration

  Please tick if you've previously
uploaded a CV

By ticking the box above and registering, you unconditionally accept the PHS Terms of Service.
