In order to save time, before carrying out a job search, please ensure that you meet our minimal requirements for candidate registration:
1. Minimum of 3 years experience working for private households or UHNW individuals.
2. You have all the correct documentations required to work in the country where the job is located.
3. You have a minimum of 2 checkable references from your previous employer.
Thank you for considering registering with us and finding your new job opportunity using our services. We look forward to working with you and helping you with your job search.
Domestic Staff Salary Calculator
If you would like to see the break down of your salary inclusive of:
- Gross Salary
- Net Salary
- National Insurance Contribution
- Tax
- Pension Contribution
Please visit our Domestic Staff Salary Calculator page. There you will be able to choose a Salary, the Pay Period and whether you would like to see the Gross or Net breakdown.